The Rural Gear Good Life Foundation Uganda. Concerned about the need for rapid economic and social development of our country.

About The Rural Gear Good Life Foundation Uganda

The organization shall be non sectarian and of a national character, balancing , and representing or serving various tribes of Uganda, shall be none profit making, non political and non Government, and shall run exclusively to improve the standards of living of the beneficiaries of its projects.

The Organization or any of its offices shall Not be used or be seen to be used as representatives or spokesman of any Organization, be it Government or otherwise, for any purpose, expect in so far as such as in pursuit of the attainment of the Organization' objectives.

The Organization shall not be used for private or personal benefit, interest or given, or to further the interests of any other organization or grouping be it political, religious, ethic, governmental, unless it is in conformity with the Organization's objectives.

Our Objective

To improve the over all Health and Education standards in rural areas.

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To promote Agriculture and Women empowerment

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To promote Social Economic Development in the community

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To foster mindset change for development

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Our Team

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